Saturday, September 30, 2006

ResisDANCE Oct 5th!

ResisDANCE Oct 5th!
Originally uploaded by shazaman.


Subject: The Third Force Awakens (Please Forward)

Date: 30 September 2006 4:44:49 AM

To: undisclosed-recipients: ;

Hey guys I know this is short notice and many of you wont be able to

make it along to this. But if you can it would be good. This is just

the start though. Thursday will be the pebbles that hopefully by the

end of the Summer season will be an avalanch of humanity engaging in

Civil Disobedience against tyranny. The website will be online as of

tomorrow to explain it all a bit more. Details of the venue will be

released on the web site the night before the event as well. If you

cant make it to the first one then keep your eyes and ears out for

future events. The summer of ResisDANCE has arrived.



Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Earthdance Journal / Gaian Blog Project

The Earthdance Journal / Gaian Blog Project
Originally uploaded by shazaman.